
Investment Management

Dream Capital Advisors would like to become your portfolio manager. After meeting with you we will create a customized equity and diversified portfolio that reflect your investment objectives. Throughout the investment process, the focus on growth and emphasis on quality of earnings remain a constant. Investment portfolios may contain a measured mix of cash, stock, corporate and/or government bond, fixed income and exchange-traded fund positions with core holdings in established growth companies and/or no-load mutual funds.

When appropriate, core positions are complemented with smaller commitments to emerging and early-stage growth companies. Special situation stocks, often cyclical growth, may also be purchased at opportunistic times during the business cycle.

For income or asset allocation purposes, Dream Capital may also add a fixed income component to certain client portfolios. Fixed income investments generally contain U.S. Treasuries, Agencies, Preferred Shares, Certificates of Deposits and high-quality Corporate and Municipal bonds.